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Clive Bairsto 700x700

Clive Bairsto

Clive Bairsto – Street Works UK Chief Executive Officer & Co-Chair of HAUC(UK) & Convention Committee Member
Clive Bairsto

Clive has a background rooted in utilities, defence, security, and education leadership in the private, public and not for profit sectors. From 2012 to 2017, Clive was Global Head of Resilience at National Grid, a role covering all UK and US assets, and a then-workforce of over 27,000 people. In this role, Clive represented National Grid at the UK’s Energy Emergencies Executive Committee (E3C) and the Scottish Government’s ‘Ready Scotland’, while directing interaction with the myriad of regional authority fora and groupings in the UK and north-east USA.

Running up to this, Clive was Director of Integration and Readiness for the London 2012 Olympics, within the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. He directed the strategic level training, risk assessment, integration, reporting and readiness of LOCOG, Transport, Security, the Mayor’s office and several other government departments and supporting bodies. Preceding this, Clive was a senior officer in the Royal Air Force, serving as Head of International Policy and Planning, and was the Ministry of Defence’s worldwide Director of Strategic Contingency Planning in the period of the Arab uprising. He commanded at every level culminating in regional base Leuchars, in Fife, where he also acted as the Air Officer for Scotland interacting regularly with Scottish Government at official and political level.

Ben Beachell 650 x 650

Ben Beachell

Welsh Government
Ben Beachell

Chartered Engineer Responsible for Welsh Government policy and legislation.

Welsh Government - Standards and Streetworks Engineer

Samantha Brothwell 650x650

Samantha Brothwell

Co-Chair (JUG) Street Manager Governance Group, SWUK Management Team , Lane Rental Forum & EMHAUC & Convention Committee Member
Samantha Brothwell

Samantha Brothwell was appointed to the Street Works UK Board in December 2012. Samantha is the Street Works Policy Manager for Western Power Distribution, Electricity Distribution Network Operator for the Midlands, South West of England and South Wales. Samantha is also the current chair of the Energy Networks Association Street Works Forum, East Midlands Joint Utility Group, East Midlands HAUC (Utility Side) and a member of the Co-ordination Working Group.

Samantha has worked in the electricity sector since 1990, and has had responsibility for Street Works since 2000.

Adam Brunskill 650 x 650

Adam Brunskill

Adam Brunskill

Having worked across the Utilties sector for approx. 15 years and started working within operational teams on reinstatement activities before progressing into Streetworks Managerial duties. Currently working full time as Streetworks Manager for Electricity North West responsible for all aspects of Streetworks and Reinstatement from permit legislation through to procurement of signing, lighting and guarding. Also sits on various national groups relating to SROH and Streetworks legislation.

Andrea Capel

Andrea Capel

Co-Chair (JUG) Welsh HAUC & SW Wales HAUC
Andrea Capel

Andrea Capel is the Streetworks Manager for Welsh Water, managing regulation and compliance surrounding Streetworks legislation, guidance and requirements. Having worked in the Streetworks Sector for 20 years for both Local Authorities and Statutory Undertakers, Andrea is also Co-Secretary of both Welsh JUG and Welsh HAUC and Chair of SE Wales HAUC.

Streetworks Manager - Welsh Water

Dave Capon CEO 650x650

David Capon

CEO JAG(UK) and Co-Chair of HAUC(UK)
David Capon

David Capon is the JAG(UK) Manager and has worked extensively with the JAG(UK) community in delivering improved communications, management of the network and local knowledge and expertise. Most notably, Dave has played a central role in the delivering of the permit legislation, guidance and operational advice. He has made a significant contribution to the finalisation of government sponsored Codes of Practice, regulations and impact assessments.

Dave regularly engages with the DfT, devolved Governments, Network Rail, Highways England, statutory undertakers and local authorities to deliver continuous improvement to the community. He works hard to support members authorities by: attending regular national, regional and local meetings, providing an on-line library of existing legislation, regulations, procedures and guidance for authorities and their officers, acting as an online advisory service and providing prompt guidance on emerging issues and delivering a focused approach as part of the GeoPlace/Local Government Association family.

Jan Chapman

Jan Chapman

Co-Chair (JUG) SWHAUC & HAUC(UK) Performance Working Group, Convention Committee Member
Jan Chapman

Jan has 27 years experience with Thames Water. Initially working in customer services before joining Street Works in 2004 as a Highway One administrator managing the EToN interface between TW and HA’s systems. After about 12 months joined the IT project to upgrade EToN 3 to 4, then 4 to 5 and then 5 to 6 ensuring the system & process design was compliant with the Tech Spec and the changing legislation. Moved into the street works policy team in 2012.

Since November 2017 I have been a Subject Matter Expert (SME) for the DFT Street Manager project

SWUK Member Co-ordination & Management group

Street Works Policy Technical Manager - Thames Water

Elaine Coope

Elaine Coope

Co-chair (JAG) East Midlands HAUC(UK)
Elaine Coope

Derbyshire County Council previously employed me for 32 years, latterly as their Street Works Manager. I wrote and introduced the permit scheme. I have been a member of the permit and co-ordination working groups. I have now been working for National Highways, Midlands East Occupancy Team as a Network Planner since 2018. Where my work involves co-ordination, abnormal load movements, NRSWA/TMA and traffic orders.

Rachel Dodds 650 x 650

Rachel Dodds

Rachel Dodds

I have worked within Streetworks/Highways for nearly 17 years now, 10 of those were for a Highway Authority and nearly 7 now for Northern Gas.

Street works Supervisor - Northern Gas Networks

Phil Cameron 650x650

Phil Cameron

Co-Chair (JAG) SWHAUC, Co-Chair (JAG) Performance, Safety & Comms Groups & Non Exec Director of JAG UK & Convention Committee Member
Phil Cameron

Phil currently holds the position of Gloucestershire's Traffic Manager and has been involved in the street works industry for a number of years. Phil also plays a prominent role in street works both regionally and nationally being regional chair of both South West JAG and South West HAUC . Phil has also been instrumental in bringing the performance scorecard work forward and the changes to the safety at street works code of practice. Phil is keen to create working relationships that drive improvement whilst allowing works promoters to carry out their essential works on the highway.

Traffic Manager - Gloucestershire County Council

Ed Day 650 x 650

Ed Day

Chair SEJAG and Joint Chair SEHAUC
Ed Day

Ed has worked in local government for 15, starting as a Traffic and Road Safety Technician before moving to Streetworks as an Inspector and recently commencing the Traffic Manager role at Wokingham Borough Council.

Ed believes that effective collaboration between parties is essential and that the industries collective aims and responsibilities cannot be achieved without each party understanding each other.

Traffic Manager - Wokingham Borough Council

Paul Dooley 650 x 650

Paul Dooley

Paul Dooley

Worked in utility industry in various operational and planning roles for 21 years, with gas, water and electricity for both contractor and client. I love a challenge and people with an open mindset; I also attempt to keep things simple in an over-complicated Streetworks world.

Performance Manager - Innovation & Training

Kevin ferguson

Kevin Ferguson

Joint Chair (JAG) NEHAUC
Kevin Ferguson

I have worked in Street Works for close to 5 years for Durham County Council and have been a member of the DfT Street Manager Governance Group since 2020.

Road and Street Works Systems Supervisor

Samuel Guiver 650x650

Sam Guiver

Vice Chair JAG (UK) , Co-Chair (JAG) Anglian HAUC & Convention Committee Member
Sam Guiver

I have been privileged to work within local government for over 12 years, 4 years within Highway Engineering and a further 10 years within the Street Works Industry (as a Highway Authority & as a Statutory Undertaker). I have been fortunate to be able to work within local government, the technology sector (a SaaS provider who supports the whole industry) and the utility sector, delivering rural broadband. This has provided me with various opportunities and experiences to further appreciate the challenges the wider street works industry faces when delivering activities and fast paced projects.

In my current role at Suffolk County Council (SCC), I head up the Network Assurance Service which, discharges SCC’s Network Management Duty within the County, utilising multi disciplined teams to deliver this function for the residents and travelling public of Suffolk.

In September 2020, I was elected as the Anglian JAG Chair (AJAG) and Co-Chair of the Anglian HAUC (AHAUC) taking up post from January 2021. Furthermore, I was further successful in being elected to the role of JAG(UK) Vice Chair in early January 2022 by my peers, taking up post earlier April 2022.

Network Assurance Manager at Suffolk County Council.

KH Picture2 650 x 650

Kevin Hamilton

Scottish Roadworks Commissioner & Convention Committee Member
Kevin Hamilton

Kevin is a Chartered Engineer who has worked in the roads and transportation sector since the early 1990s, having held various positions in both Scottish and English local authorities. He was appointed as Scottish Road Works Commissioner in November 2020. The Scottish Road Works Commissioner is an independent public official established under the Transport (Scotland) Act 2005 and is accountable to the Scottish Ministers and ultimately the Scottish Parliament. The Commissioner's aim is to improve the planning, co-ordination and quality of road works throughout Scotland. The Commissioner monitors performance, promotes and encourages good practice across both utility companies and roads authorities. The Commissioner also has powers to impose financial penalties on roads authorities who systematically fail in their duty to co-ordinate and upon utility companies who systematically fail to co-operate when undertaking road works. Full details of the work of the Scottish Road Works Commissioner are available at: Home | Scottish Road Works Commissioner

Dean Howard 650x650

Dean Howard

Co-Chair Welsh HAUC and Convention Committee Member
Dean Howard

Dean Howard is the Highway Network Manager for Swansea Council and is JAG (Wales) Chair and Welsh HAUC Co-Chair. Dean is a Fellow of the Institute of Highway Engineers and has worked in the Construction, Development, Civil Engineering, Highways and StreetWorks Industry for 45 years. The last 25 years managing regulation and compliance within and around the StreetWorks Industry.

Dean Howard - Highways Network Manager Swansea Council

Frank Jamieson 650 x 650

Frank Jamieson

Senior Technical Advisor - National Highways
Frank Jamieson

I have been working in the street works environment for over 30 years. I started out my professional career working in various administrative roles in the utility sector before moving into the operational field.

In 2000 I joined Lancashire County Council as a Street Works Inspector before becoming their Street Works Team Leader in 2010. I was part of the team that implemented the Lancashire Permit Scheme in 2015.

I later joined Electricity North West for a brief spell as their Street Works Manager in 2017 before moving onto National Highways in 2019.

My initial role at National Highways was Project Manager, where I was responsible for delivering maintenance and improvement schemes in the North West.

After 4 years working as a Project Manager, I am now back in the familiar world of NRSWA.

I am currently the Senior Network Occupancy Advisor for National Highways, which involves supporting national policy/standards relating to managing occupancy, and ensuring we fulfil our statutory duties with regards to NRSWA/TMA Permit and Lane Rental Schemes.

Frank Jamieson - National Highways

Rhiannon Jones 650x650

Rhiannon Jones

Co-Chair (JAG) YHAUC , Network Rail
Rhiannon Jones

Rhiannon Jones is a Highways Interface Manager for Network Rail, covering the North & East, East Coast & East Midlands Routes. She has been in the industry for 9 years and has been an active member in several regional HAUCs, including as Secretary of EMHAUC for 6 years.

Highways Interface Manager Network Rail

James Kenny

James Kenney

SWUK Ops Chair & Co-chair (JUG) WMHAUC
James Kenney

James Kenny

With over 7 years’ experience in the street works industry James has held a number of roles with varying responsibilities. These roles include street works performance management, to embedding new processes and systems to ensure legislative compliance. James has also been an active participant in the industry being a member of groups such as the Street Manager Governance Group, HAUC England, and the SWUK Management Team to help ensure changes are taking place for the right reasons and to aid continuous improvement in the sector

Street Works Regulation Manager - Cadent Gas

Lee Lacking

Lee Lacking

Co-Chair (JAG) NWHAUC & Chair NWJAG
Lee Lacking

Lee Lacking - Salford Council

I have been in the highways/Streetworks industry for over 25 years and street works alone for 15 years. I currently work at Salford City Council and manage the delivery of all Streetworks activities. I have vast knowledge of street works from permitting/inspections, coordination, and materials, and have been part of the NW materials and innovations group for many years and at present I am the local authority Chair of the group.

I have a passion for innovation and have undertaken many trials which has helped with the introduction of improvements within the industry.

Street Works Team Leader

Tom Lambert New 650x650

Tom Lambert

SWUK Chair Safety Code Working Group
Tom Lambert

I have spent the past 32 years building a professional reputation in the street works arena and have used both interpersonal skills and knowledge to contribute to my chosen field over that period of time. I am a driven individual who is very passionate about holes in the street. Some say that I am obsessed others say I am mad but either way I have made it my business to become an expert in my field and the award for Significant Contribution to the Industry granted to me in 2012 by my peers at NJUG (now SWUK) together with the Lifetime Contribution award in 2018 have been the highlight of that career so far.

Streetworks has changed beyond recognition over the past 10 years and not necessarily for the good. I believe we have forgotten the basic aim which is to provide our customers with the services they desire this includes utilities and a road network free from disruption. It is this basic principle I endeavour to return to and strive to bring the street works sector to focus upon.

I am currently the National Streetworks Manager for MGroup Services looking after our water and other utility businesses. I personally have been and continue to be involved in a number of National working groups including the Safety Code of Practice review (one of my drivers is the safety of those who work in the highway and those who interface with those works) and continue to advise the DfT on policy and strategy as well as lead and sit on a number of key strategy and policy working groups.

Tom Lambert - National Streetworks Manager for MGroup Services

Dave Latham 2 650x650

David Latham

Co-Chair (JAG) Co-ordination Working Group, Co-Chair (JAG) Lane Rental Forum
David Latham

David has more than 40 years experience in Municipal and highway Engineering.

This started in 1972 when he joined Essex County Council as a trainee highway technician before moving to District Councils and municipal engineering, working on many diverse projects. In 1983 David moved to Kent, joining the Canterbury Highway Unit Projects Team where he qualified as Incorporated Engineer and became a member of the ICE. He delivered a variety of schemes including highway reconditioning, pedestrianisation, Seafront regeneration, Park and ride sites and consultancy for wind power companies. Many of these projects won awards. Whilst at Canterbury he worked with Kent County Council, and The HSE on Health and safety issues particularly CDM and manual handling. In 2005 David joined Kent County Council and moved into Streetworks. Kent is the first County to implement a Permit Scheme and one of only two authorities piloting Lane Rental. David has chaired SEJAG (South East Joint Authorities Group), and joint chaired of SEHAUC (South East Highway Authorities and Utilities Committee). David was Joint Chair of HAUC England for many years standing down in April 2022 and is currently a Non Executive director of JAG UK.

Project Manager Kent County Council

Ian Law 1

Ian Law

Co-Chair (JAG) HAUC England, Co-Chair (JAG) LHAUC,
Ian Law

I have a full and comprehensive knowledge of the New Roads and Street Works Act, the Traffic Management Act, Highways Act, Road Traffic Regulations Act and various other legislative Acts relating to activities and enforcement on the highway.

In addition to the Roads and Street Works business unit, I also manage two other business units, Highways Licencing and Network Development.

My role also involves working with Planning, Development Control, Regeneration and Transport Planning to ensure that both temporary and permanent schemes are being delivered to meet the council’s network duties in line with other policies and objectives as set out in the Council’s Network Management, Community Plan, Local Transport Plan, Southwark’s Street Scene Design Manual and UDP.

I previously sat on the Bankside and London Bridge Logistics Group, Network Rail Traffic Liaison Group, TfL’s London Bridge Transport Board, Southwark Council Quality Design Board, The Southwark Safety Advisory Group.

Traffic Manager - Southwark Council

Peter Loft 650x650

Peter Loft

Co-Chair (JUG) HAUC England, London HAUC, UK Regional Reps Forum, SWUK Management Team
Peter Loft

Peter has more than 40 years experience in the Water Industry. He started in 1981, following a brief period in HMRC, as water distribution planner/estimator. After a couple of years, he moved to Thames Water Authority’s (TWA) Legal Department, where he was responsible for the preparation and presentation of criminal court cases in relation to fishing, effluent discharge and river navigation type misdemeanours, as well as civil cases involving non-payment of charges or misuse TWA equipment.

Two years prior to the introduction of NRSWA an opportunity arose to become involved in the Project Team established to manage the transition from PUSWA to the new legislation. This was for an initial 6 months period…but he has been involved in Street Works ever since. Currently, I hold/fulfil the following roles:

  • Street Works Policy Manager TWUL
  • Joint Chair of HAUC-England
  • Chair of the UK Regional Utilities Reps Forum
  • Joint Chair of London HAUC
  • Member of the SWUK Management Team

Street Works Policy Manager - Thames Water

Philip Mc Kay 650x650

Phil Mackay

Co-Chair (JAG) RAUC Scotland
Phil Mackay

Responsible for leading a new team of professional, technical and operational colleagues in a newly created Service. This new Service brings together a wide range of functions that deliver front line services to residents of Aberdeenshire associated with the maintenance and management of the road and bridge network; network; coast protection and flood management; operation of 7 Council Harbour and 3 hard rock quarries. The service is also responsible for the delivery of fleet services to a wide range of internal clients within the Council.

Head of Roads and Infrastructure, Scotland Roads Authority - Aberdeenshire

Fiona Mcinnes 650 x 650

Fiona McInnes

SRWR Steering Group Chair
Fiona McInnes

I have worked in the water industry for over 20 years. I am currently NRSWA Technical Leader with Scottish Water and am involved with all aspects of compliance with NRSWA including noticing, quality, safety and policy.

I am also the current SRWR Steering Group Chair and a member of several working groups in Scotland.

  • Road Works Policy Development Group
  • SRWR Steering Group
  • Inspections Working Group
  • Coordination Working Group

NRSWA Technical Lead - Scottish Water

Nigel Myers 650 x 650

Nigel Myers

Co-Chair (JUG) Yorkshire HAUC & Co-Chair (JUG) HAUC (UK) Inspections Working Group & EPG ,
Nigel Myers

Nigel has been in the Telecommunications industry since the mid 1990’s, when the regional cable companies originally installed their infrastructure. After various mergers over the years, Nigel now heads up the Statutory and Street Works Team for Virgin Media, ensuring compliance with all current and proposed legislation which affects works and apparatus in the public highway.

Prior to making the move into the Telecommunications industry, Nigel worked on the tools as a street mason, where his interest and knowledge of street works originated.

Senior Statutory & Streetworks Manager Virgin Media

Julie 1 650 x 650

Julie Payne

HAUC(UK) Communications Manager & Convention Committee Member
Julie Payne

I have worked for SSEN for 35 years and held the post of Street works Manager for the past 8 years. Prior to this I was the Street works admin manager for 11 years. I am currently secretary of SWHAUC and part of the Street works convention committee. I was part of the Systems EPG group and still help with any EPG questions as required. I am a member of the Street works forum for ENA and Geoplace and I enjoy assisting with arranging training and Street works events as well as assisting the wider street works family where I can. I have recently been Co-chair of the HAUC (UK) performance group but have now resigned so I can concentrate on my new part time role of HAUC (UK) Communications Manager.

Street Works Manager Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks & HAUC (UK) Communications Manager

Mark Playforth 650x650

Mark Playforth

Co-Chair (JUG) HAUC(UK) Training and Accreditation Working Group
Mark Playforth

I am a safety and operational professional with 20+ years experience working in the utilities sectors across Telecommunications, Water and Power. I served in the British Military for 7 years before returning to civilian life working on railway and transport infrastructure projects in the telecoms, water and power sectors. I progressed into various senior operational roles before focussing on Health & Safety, Business Compliance, Training and Business Development in around 2010.

I have been a member of the HAUC working group since 2018 acting as Co-chair in the T&A group and in addition as the Expert Practitioner Group (EPG) Lead for Training at SWUK.

I am passionate about ensuring people have the right training, knowledge, and skillset to empower them to make the right decisions in their role whatever that may be.

I feel strongly that everyone should have opportunities to a career path and progression within their chosen field supported by their employer to encourage loyalty, job security and consistency of workforce and see this as a vital enabler to reducing the current levels of workforce mobility in the utilities sectors.

Founder & Director Ascension 2190 Ltd

Chris Powell 650x650 2

Chris Powell

Co-Chair Utility HAUC (UK) Communications Group
Chris Powell

Chris is currently the co-chair of the Communications Group and is secretary for the SWJUG.

Chris Powell - City Fibre

Kat Quane 650x650

Kat Quane

Transport Scotland
Kat Quane

Kat is an Incorporated Civil Engineer and policy official, responsible for Scotland’s road works framework and sponsor of the Scottish Road Works Commissioner. The national transport agency for Scotland, delivering the Scottish Government's vision for transport.

Representative of the Scottish Government to RAUC(S) and HAUC(UK)

B Rainger 650

Barry Rainger

Co-Chair (Utility) SROH Working Group & Co-Chair (JUG) AHAUC
Barry Rainger

I have worked in the Utility industry for 36 years across Telecoms, Electric and Water, as well as gaining experience in the Local Authority sector.

I have covered a multitude of experience ranging from engineering, Planning and Investment, Streetworks and Network Management, hence giving an expansive view across the ‘cradle to grave’ aspect of the work journey. I have been working for Thames Water for the past 16 years where I have responsibility for the Local Authority relationship, the performance management of Thames Waters contracts/contractors for streetworks as well as identification for NRSWA adoption of current and new legislation, managing provision of any streetworks legislative prosecutions, including acting as expert witness, on both criminal and civil cases.

I have been directly managing streetworks since 2001, introducing various new legislative requirements into BAU operational activities and learning packages.

Currently, I hold/fulfil the following roles in Thames Water and the HAUC environment:

  • Street Works Senior Regional Streetworks Manager for TWUL
  • Joint Chair of AHAUC
  • Chair of the SROH working group
  • Steering group member for Safety Code of Practice
  • Member for Inspection Code of practice group

Senior Regional Street Works Manager

Colin Rivett 650x650

Colin Rivett

Co-Chair (JAG) SROH Working Group
Colin Rivett

Colin Rivett is the Street Works Compliance and Performance Manager for Wiltshire Council and has worked for them for the last 12 years. He is the JAG(UK) Joint Chair of the SROH Working Group, member of the Inspections Code Working Group and a member of the JAG(UK) Strategy and Research Group, with over forty years of experience in the industry. Previously working for Statutory Undertakers, Utility Contractors and Highway Authorities in various capacities, Colin has attained a wealth of understanding of the industry, he uses this knowledge and his passion for the industry to continually drive improvement in all areas.

Street Works Compliance and Performance Manager - Wiltshire Council

Scottish Water logo2

Kevin Skinner

NRSWA Technical Lead Scottish Water
Kevin Skinner

Water is essential to life and to the communities in which we live and work across every corner of Scotland. At Scottish Water we’re focused on delivering the highest quality drinking water ever in Scotland and returning waste water safely to the environment every day of the year.

Find out more about Scottish Water at

NRSWA Technical Leader at Scottish Water

Nile Smith 650 x 650

Nile Smith

Head of Public Private Partnerships and Street Works
Nile Smith

Nile is a Chartered Civil Engineer who has designed and supervised construction of major highway projects in Northern Ireland. He worked in a maintenance area office which provided early experience of Street Works. He gained further experience in USA by working for Morrison-Knudsen Engineers on a Silver Mine project in Montana and on Disposal of Hazardous Waste projects in California and Missouri.

He manages two Design Build Finance Operate Contracts and acts as the Department’s Street Works Manager and as NI representative on HAUC(UK).

Nile Smith HAUC (UK) Representative NIRAUC

Rebecca Watton 650 x 650

Rebecca Watton

Convention Committee Member
Rebecca Watton

Street Works Compliance Team Leader - Telford & Wrekin Council

Sarah Widdows 650x650

Sarah Widdows

Chair JAG(UK)
Sarah Widdows

Sarah is Street Works and Permitting Manager for Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council. Previously, Roadspace Management Manager for Buckinghamshire County Council, Sarah has had 20+ years working in the industry and implemented permit schemes in Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Councils. Sarah is also JAG(UK) Strategy Group Chair, Permit Authority Group Chair and was Anglian JAG Chair for over eight years. Sarah is the Highway Authority Chair on the Street Manager Governance Group.

Street Works and Permitting Manager - Cambridgeshire

Alison Williams 650x650

Alison Williams

Co-Chair (JUG) Diversionary Working Group
Alison Williams

Alison is Streetworks Policy and Compliance Manager for Openreach, with 25 years of experience in the telecoms industry and 15 years specialising in street works.

In recent years Alison has been involved in a number of street and road works policy development groups including:

  • A former member of the Street Manager Governance Group, throughout its first year of operation
  • Member of the HAUC England Co-Ordination Working Group, responsible for drafting the HAUC England Co-Ordination COP
  • Currently representing the comms sector on the Scotland Policy Development Group
  • Co-Chair of the HAUC UK Diversionary Works Task Group

Streetworks Policy & Compliance Manager - Openreach

Andy Wilkins 600x600 s

Andy Wilkins

Andy Wilkins

I have been in local government for over 30 years as a modest highway inspector to start with and becoming involved in Street Works and WM HAUC from the late 1990’s. I became secretary of WM HAUC before taking up the role as joint chair and one I’ve been doing for over 10 years.

We ran a successful roadshow for over 20 years and unfortunately lock down cancelled consecutive events and we have never regained the impetus to start again.

I am also joint chair of WM HAUC Materials group which has highway authority members, utilities, and contractors within the group.

Keen golfer currently playing off a handicap of 7 and life long West Brom fan.

Street Works and Permits Office - Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council

David Thomson 650 x 650

David Thomson

Co-Chair (JUG) RAUC Scotland
David Thomson

I have worked in the utilities sector for over 25 years, specifically in telecoms & power. I am currently the Street Works Strategy & Compliance Manager for SP Energy Networks responsible for ensuring NRSWA compliance in Scotland, England & Wales.

I am the Utility Co-Chair of RAUC(S) and participate in several working groups:-

  • Road Works Policy Development Group (Scotland)
  • Coring Working Group (Scotland)
  • SRoR Working Group (Scotland)
  • SRoH Working Group (Wales)

Safety Code Review (Wales

David Thomson - SP Energy Networks

Tony Pegrum 650x650

Tony Pegrum

Co-Chair (JAG) HAUC (UK) Inspections Working Group
Tony Pegrum

I have worked for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea for 25years. I first joined the Council as a Street Works Inspector and quickly was promoted to the position of Street Works Co-ordinator in late 1997. In 2003 I was appointed as the Councils Network Manager and since then I have been responsible for delivering the Councils Network Management Duty.

Prior to Kensington and Chelsea I worked for Barnet Council and a private residential developer where I gained a good knowledge of general civil engineering practices.

I play an active role within the Street Works community both regionally, in London, and now nationally as part of the Inspections Group. I am passionate about all thing’s inspection related which was one of the main reasons why I got involved in the Inspection Working Group.

Network Manager - Royal Borough Kensington & Chelsea