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Working Group - Convention

The convention group works to deliver an annual in person of virtual event to over 500 delegates from the Local Authorities and Utility sectors.

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Convention Group

The HAUC(UK) Convention has been an annual event for many years.  Focusing on bringing together Utilities, Highway Authorities, Contractors and everyone else associated with working on the highway into one powerful and dynamic community.

Working on themes such as

  1. Environment
  2. Community
  3. Infrastructure
  4. Technology, data and decision making
  5. Collaboration and Consistency

Each year the convention focuses on an over arching theme and message that is relevant to the whole community. 

The convention groups consist of members representing the interests of both the Local authority sectors and utility sector as well as support from National Governments and supported by industry experts.

The committee works to make sure the message is as current as possible, but also location, speakers and sponsors, ensuring it is as valuable as possible to the whole community.


Innovation: from vision to reality

Innovation : from vision to reality
Convention Image

The 2025 HAUC (UK) Convention will take place on Wednesday 2nd April 2025 at Emirates Old Trafford. The agenda is now available

The HAUC(UK) Convention 2025 will showcase how we turn ideas into practice, decision making and how we use data in communication and performance as well as launching the new HAUC 2030 Vision. We will also be focusing on policy in action and an update from the DfT.

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Working Group Chairs

Our working groups are co chaired with one representative from SWUK and one from JAGUK. The chairs change every years, but with the wider support of committee members who extensive experience of the street works industry and of running street works events.

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Julie Payne

HAUC(UK) Communications Manager & Convention Committee Member
Julie Payne

In March 2024 I retired from SSEN after almost 36 years. For the past 9 years of my career I held the post of Street works Manager and prior to this I was the Street works admin manager for 11 years. I remain secretary of SWHAUC and HAUC (UK) and part of the Street works convention committee. I was Co-chair of the HAUC (UK) performance group, a member of the SWUK Operations EPG group and a member of the ENA but have now resigned these positions so I can concentrate on my part time role of HAUC (UK) Communications Manager. I am proud to continue to serve the wider Street works community where my role primarily involves updating the HAUC(UK) website, HAUC (UK) Linked-In site as well as many other admin related tasks. I am also part of the HAUC App focus group looking at new development.

HAUC (UK) Communications Manager - Geoplace

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Samantha Brothwell

Co-Chair (JUG) Street Manager Governance Group, SWUK Management Team , Lane Rental Forum & EMHAUC & Convention Committee Member
Samantha Brothwell

Samantha Brothwell was appointed to the Street Works UK Board in December 2012. Samantha is the Street Works Policy Manager for Western Power Distribution, Electricity Distribution Network Operator for the Midlands, South West of England and South Wales. Samantha is also the current chair of the Energy Networks Association Street Works Forum, East Midlands Joint Utility Group, East Midlands HAUC (Utility Side) and a member of the Co-ordination Working Group.

Samantha has worked in the electricity sector since 1990, and has had responsibility for Street Works since 2000.

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Phil Cameron

JAG (UK) Community Manager , Co-Chair (JAG) Performance, Safety & Comms Groups & Non Exec Director of JAG UK & Convention Committee Member
Phil Cameron

Phil has recently left Gloucestershire county council, after completing 36 years service, most recently as Traffic Manager.

Phil joined GeoPlace in late 2024 in a newly created role as JAG( UK) Community Manager, this role is there to bolster the service JAG (UK) provides to Council’s across the UK, with the aim of helping the industry learn from the good practice that is happening everyday on the highway network.

Phil is co-chair of the Safety Code review working group, he also chairs the performance and communications working group, sits on HAUC England and HAUC UK.

He has recently left his role as chair of South West JAG and co-chair of South West HAUC after 17 years service.

Phil is keen to create working relationships that drive improvement whilst allowing works promoters to carry out their essential works on the highway.

Phil Cameron - JAG (UK) Community Manager

Jan Chapman

Jan Chapman

Co-Chair (JUG) SWHAUC & HAUC(UK) Performance Working Group, Convention Committee Member
Jan Chapman

Jan has 27 years experience with Thames Water. Initially working in customer services before joining Street Works in 2004 as a Highway One administrator managing the EToN interface between TW and HA’s systems. After about 12 months joined the IT project to upgrade EToN 3 to 4, then 4 to 5 and then 5 to 6 ensuring the system & process design was compliant with the Tech Spec and the changing legislation. Moved into the street works policy team in 2012.

Since November 2017 I have been a Subject Matter Expert (SME) for the DFT Street Manager project

SWUK Member Co-ordination & Management group

Street Works Policy Technical Manager - Thames Water

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Dean Howard

Co-Chair Welsh HAUC and Convention Committee Member
Dean Howard

Dean Howard is the Highway Network Manager for Swansea Council and is JAG (Wales) Chair and Welsh HAUC Co-Chair. Dean is a Fellow of the Institute of Highway Engineers and has worked in the Construction, Development, Civil Engineering, Highways and StreetWorks Industry for 45 years. The last 25 years managing regulation and compliance within and around the StreetWorks Industry.

Dean Howard - Highways Network Manager Swansea Council

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Kevin Hamilton

Scottish Roadworks Commissioner & Convention Committee Member
Kevin Hamilton

Kevin is a Chartered Engineer who has worked in the roads and transportation sector since the early 1990s, having held various positions in both Scottish and English local authorities. He was appointed as Scottish Road Works Commissioner in November 2020. The Scottish Road Works Commissioner is an independent public official established under the Transport (Scotland) Act 2005 and is accountable to the Scottish Ministers and ultimately the Scottish Parliament. The Commissioner's aim is to improve the planning, co-ordination and quality of road works throughout Scotland. The Commissioner monitors performance, promotes and encourages good practice across both utility companies and roads authorities. The Commissioner also has powers to impose financial penalties on roads authorities who systematically fail in their duty to co-ordinate and upon utility companies who systematically fail to co-operate when undertaking road works. Full details of the work of the Scottish Road Works Commissioner are available at: Home | Scottish Road Works Commissioner

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Clive Bairsto

Clive Bairsto – Street Works UK Chief Executive Officer & Co-Chair of HAUC(UK) & Convention Committee Member
Clive Bairsto

Clive has a background rooted in utilities, defence, security, and education leadership in the private, public and not for profit sectors. From 2012 to 2017, Clive was Global Head of Resilience at National Grid, a role covering all UK and US assets, and a then-workforce of over 27,000 people. In this role, Clive represented National Grid at the UK’s Energy Emergencies Executive Committee (E3C) and the Scottish Government’s ‘Ready Scotland’, while directing interaction with the myriad of regional authority fora and groupings in the UK and north-east USA.

Running up to this, Clive was Director of Integration and Readiness for the London 2012 Olympics, within the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. He directed the strategic level training, risk assessment, integration, reporting and readiness of LOCOG, Transport, Security, the Mayor’s office and several other government departments and supporting bodies. Preceding this, Clive was a senior officer in the Royal Air Force, serving as Head of International Policy and Planning, and was the Ministry of Defence’s worldwide Director of Strategic Contingency Planning in the period of the Arab uprising. He commanded at every level culminating in regional base Leuchars, in Fife, where he also acted as the Air Officer for Scotland interacting regularly with Scottish Government at official and political level.

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Sam Guiver

Vice Chair JAG (UK) & Convention Committee Member
Sam Guiver

I have been privileged to work within local government for over 17 years, 4 years within Highway Engineering and a further 13 years within the Street Works Industry (as a Highway Authority & as a Statutory Undertaker). I have been fortunate to be able to work within local government, the technology sector (a SaaS provider who supports the whole industry) and the utility sector, delivering rural broadband. This has provided me with various opportunities and experiences to further appreciate the challenges the wider street works industry faces when delivering activities and fast paced projects.

In my current role at Suffolk County Council (SCC) as Head of Network Assurance, I lead the Network Assurance Service which, discharges SCC’s Network Management Duty within the County, utilising multi-disciplined teams to deliver this function for the residents and travelling public of Suffolk.

In September 2020, I was elected as the Anglian JAG Chair (AJAG) and Co-Chair of the Anglian HAUC (AHAUC) taking up post from January 2021 and steeping down in December 2024. Furthermore, I was further successful in being elected to the role of JAG(UK) Vice Chair in early January 2022 by my peers, taking up post in earlier April 2022.

Head of Network Assurance at Suffolk County Council.

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Rebecca Watton

Convention Committee Member
Rebecca Watton

Street Works Compliance Team Leader - Telford & Wrekin Council

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Convention Working Group

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