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Applications now open for 2025 - 26 Members

A user governance group for Street Manager was formed in April 2020 with representatives from the industry to ensure that the Street Manager service continues to develop in line with user need. The main purpose of the group is to decide what should be built and in what order from the backlog of improvements that we have and will continue to be raised over the next few years. Those appointed to the group are expected to serve for one year, and the current membership is due to expire in March 2025. We are therefore opening applications for users to form the new panel from April 2025 until March 2026.

Applications are open to all users including contractors, and will be done via the expression of interest form (application form) attached. There are 10 positions available, which will be formed of 4 HA reps, 4 utility reps, 1 HA contractor rep and 1 utility contractor rep. For more detail on how the governance group is made up, please see the terms of reference attached. I have also attached the Street Manager Governance Group structure, for reference.

Meetings are held via Microsoft Teams once a month. The current schedule is the 3rd Thursday of each month at 10am. Applicants must be willing to commit to attend and actively participate in a monthly meeting lasting approximately 2 hours. The successful candidates will be voted in by you, the users.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Street Manager governance group, please return your application to [email protected] by no later than 5pm on Friday 7th February 2025.

Details of how to vote for your favourite candidates will be announced in the coming weeks!

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Working Chairs

Our working groups are co chaired with one representative from SWUK and one from JAGUK

Sarah Widdows 650x650

Sarah Widdows

Chair JAG(UK)
Sarah Widdows

Sarah is Street Works and Permitting Manager for Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council. Previously, Roadspace Management Manager for Buckinghamshire County Council, Sarah has had 20+ years working in the industry and implemented permit schemes in Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Councils. Sarah is also JAG(UK) Strategy Group Chair, Permit Authority Group Chair and was Anglian JAG Chair for over eight years. Sarah is the Highway Authority Chair on the Street Manager Governance Group.

Street Works and Permitting Manager - Cambridgeshire

Samantha Brothwell 650x650

Samantha Brothwell

Co-Chair (JUG) Street Manager Governance Group, SWUK Management Team , Lane Rental Forum & EMHAUC & Convention Committee Member
Samantha Brothwell

Samantha Brothwell was appointed to the Street Works UK Board in December 2012. Samantha is the Street Works Policy Manager for Western Power Distribution, Electricity Distribution Network Operator for the Midlands, South West of England and South Wales. Samantha is also the current chair of the Energy Networks Association Street Works Forum, East Midlands Joint Utility Group, East Midlands HAUC (Utility Side) and a member of the Co-ordination Working Group.

Samantha has worked in the electricity sector since 1990, and has had responsibility for Street Works since 2000.

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