The HAUC(UK) App
The HAUC(UK) App, designed to give you the most up to date access to safety information when undertaking street and road works, whether in the office or on site.
View AppBroadband Infrastructure Installation (Advice Note No 2017 02)
This note provides guidance for coordination of street works for High Speed broadband network build and upgrade, in particular cabinet installation and is aimed at authorities in England only.
Carriageway Incursion (TM Notification) England and Wales (Advice Note No 2017 01)
This advice note is written as a new section for inclusion within Chapter 12 of the Code of Practice for the Coordination of Street Works and Works for Road Purposes and Related Matters and the Code of Practice for Permits.
Standard Permit Response Codes (Advice Note No 2016 02)
This document is intended to be reviewed on a yearly basis. It may be decided that more or different codes are required once users have experience of using this document. The text for the specified codes is suggested and can be changed by Permit Authorities if preferred, the code itself is the crucial element to enable reporting.
HAUC(UK) Common principles of good collaboration v3
This summary of the common principles of good collaboration has been produced drawing primarily on the previous winners of the NJUG Minimise Disruption Award (previously the NJUG Partnership Award) citing examples of best practice. It is commended to all utilities, highway and road authorities and their respective road and street works contractors by Joint Chairs of HAUC(UK) Bob Gallienne and Jerry McConkey.
Report Template for the Evaluation of Permit Schemes (Advice Note No 2016 01)
This new regulation makes provision for the content and timing of permit scheme evaluations which states that permit schemes be evaluated following the first, second and third anniversary of the scheme’s commencement and then following every third anniversary. It also requires that the outcome of each evaluation be made available within three months of the relevant anniversary.
Clarification of Use of ETON6 for Defective Apparatus(S81s) (Advice Note No 2015 Defect)
This note provides good practice advice and guidance for utility company and highway authority system users when managing Defective Apparatus/S81s within their respective ETON system; a subject which came high on the list of issues following the system group survey.
HAUC (UK) Constitution (Revised for 2015) (Advice Note No 2015 01)
Members of the Group have made a commitment to work together within HAUC(UK) and with Regional HAUCs, NIRAUC, Welsh HAUC and RAUC(Scotland) colleagues to develop and deliver a more effective organisation that supports the road and street works community in delivering for the public interest.
Reinstatement of Micro-Trenches (Advice Note No 2014 04)
This advice note on micro-trenching supplements the guidance document produced by the Department for Culture Media and Sport in November 2011, and is a reinstatement specification designed to support undertakers and authorities should they agree to adopt micro-trenching as part of an installation methodology.
Code of Practice for Inspections: Defects Not Causing Danger Inspections (Advice Note No 2014 03)
The Highway Authorities and Utilities Committee [HAUC(UK)] recognised that the current 2002 edition of the Inspections Code of Practice (Code) is not clear regarding chargeable authority inspections associated with defective reinstatements not causing danger so agreed to produce an Advice Note to help explain the procedures. The Code will continue to undergo a revision by a new HAUC England working group which will include a clearer procedure for dealing with defective reinstatements not causing danger. This advice note should be accepted as current guidance until the revised Code is published by HAUC England. The Code will continue to be non-statutory.
HAUC(UK) Guidance Document On Applying The New Section 74 (S74) Regulations (Advice Note No 2014 02)
The objective of this HAUC(UK) Advice Note, which is based upon the JAG (UK) guidance document 1/2013, is to provide authorities and undertakers with guidance on the changes to section 74 Regulations introduced in October 2012, to provide a consistent authority approach and to assist in the application of a section 74 charging regime. The 2012 Regulations amended regulation 3 and substituted regulation 9 of the 2009 Regulations.
Guidance Note on Town Centre Redevelopments and Underground Services and Apparatus (Advice Note No 2013 04)
This Advice Note is aimed at local planning and highway authorities, design consultants, developers, town planners, architects and all organisations that are involved in town centre redevelopment schemes. Its purpose is to try to reduce the adverse impact that maintenance and other works to underground apparatus can have on new town centre developments and the significantly increased costs and safety risks associated with such activity.
Guidance Note Incentivising Work Planning outside of Traffic Sensitive Periods (Advice Note No 2013 02)
One of the aims of a Permit Scheme is to allow better coordination of promoter activities when competing for time and space on the highway, and to minimise traffic disruption on the network (Permits CoP Clause 2.1) at the same time.
Criteria for Investigatory Works by Core Sampling (Test Holes)
The purpose of this publication is to set a framework for Highway Authorities and Statutory Undertakers whilst carrying out coring activities and to enable individual or joint coring exercises to be carried out and to provide assurances of the integrity of the results obtained
Re-levelling of Frames and Covers Incorporated in Highway Works
The purpose of this guidance note is to ensure compliance with all relevant legislation and codes of practice where highway works involve the re-levelling of undertaker frames and covers, and to provide advice on related matters that include notification and registration of works, pre-works inspection, responsibility for maintenance, and joint inspection of contested failures.
Guidance Note on Un-attributable Works (Advice Note No 2012 03)
This advice note is written as a new section for inclusion within Chapter 12 of the Code of Practice for the Coordination of Street Works and Works for Road Purposes and Related Matters. Reference to HAUC(UK) Advice Note 2012/02 will be superseded by reference to section 12.2 of the Code of Practice once revised.
Guidance Note for Defective Apparatus (S81) (Advice Note No 2012 02)
This advice note is written as a new section for inclusion within Chapter 12 of the Code of Practice for the Coordination of Street Works and Works for Road Purposes and Related Matters. Maintenance of undertakers’ apparatus All street authorities and statutory undertakers have a shared interest in the proper maintenance of apparatus in the street. As defined in section 105 (1) of NRSWA “apparatus includes any structure for the lodging therein of apparatus or for gaining access to apparatus”
Implementing a Structured Coring Programme (Advice Note No 2012 01)
HAUC(UK) Good Practice Guide - 1st Edition England and Wales 31st January 2012 (England & Wales). This Good Practice Guide provides guidance for the implementation of a structured coring programme as part of a compliance audit regime in respect to reinstatements following any works in the public highway.
Case Study - Promoters in Partnership – Successful Joint Occupation Schemes
National Grid and Staffordshire County council worked successfully together coordinating their works to deliver a massive asset investment on a major arterial route. Substantial resources were committed to not only the numerous planning meetings but also the on site works with a phenomenal push in resources on site (long hours, seven days a week resulting in a ground breaking saving in construction time).
Case Study - The Kinver Project - Working in Partnership
In the summer of 2008, a major collaboration between numerous promoters resulted in six individual sets of works taking place at the same time in order to reduce disruption to the local community.
Case Study - WMHAUC - West Midlands HAUC Road Show
The West Midland Highway Authority and Utility Committee (WMHAUC) represents a partnership between Highway Authorities, utilities and contractors, established ten years ago through the combined efforts of Birmingham City Council, Solihull Council, Worcestershire County Council, Carillion, and Prestige Hire. The West Midlands HAUC Road Show takes place every Autumn, with over 1,000 regular attendees and 100 exhibitors, which looks to promote best practice in new ways and also unite the street and road works industry.