Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register for the 2025 HAUC (UK) Convention in Manchester in April?
The link will be on this site shortly
Where can I find a digital copy of the SROH?
On the HAUC App -
What is the Road to Net Zero (RTNZ) project and where do I find a link to the charter?
This is the plan for an organisation to reduce their business carbon footprint to zero net impact before the government deadline of 2050. Find out more on the Road to Net Zero website - click here. - Q4 Where do I find Street Manager Business Rules
What data is being reported on?
Data is extracted from Street Manager and is available quarterly . This includes numbers and types of permits and other fields. Contact the Performance Chairs if you want further information [email protected]
Who manages the Street Manager service?
The Department of Transport (DFT) build (using the help of a company called Kainos) and they maintain and manage the Street Manager Service. To contact them email: [email protected]
Where does the Street Manager service cover?
Street Manager covers England only
How can i get involved with the Diversionary Works review?
We warming welcome anyone who has an interest in getting involved in the taskforce. Please contact one of our Diversions Working group chairs to discuss what help you can offer.
How do I get a message out about something I feel the community be interested in?
Initially contact the appropriate HAUC chairs or committee members about any messages you want to send out.
If you have a suggested ways to expand our communication, either new groups or methods then please contact the Working Group chairs
If i want to get a message out to the Welsh HAUC community what do i do?
Initially contact the Welsh HAUC chairs about any messages you want to send out.
If you have a suggested ways to expand our communication, either new groups or methods then please contact the Working Group chairs
Who decides on the Agenda?
The theme, agenda and speakers at the convention is agreed across the convention committee. If you have a great suggestion please get in touch.
When is the next HAUC(UK) Convention?
The next HAUC(UK) Convention will take place on Wednesday 2nd April 2025 at Emirates Old Trafford.
What is the main focus of the T&A group?
The main focus has been to develop a large bank of question endorsed by HAUC(UK) to use in the accreditation process. This ensure candidates all receive the complete and appropriate training.
The next step is looking at digital accreditation and linking this the the HAUC App
When will I have to produce a Reinstatement Quality Plan?
RQP’s are mandatory in Scotland only as from April 2023 so your plan should have been developed and sent to the Commissioner for approval prior to April.
What guidance will the Lane Rental forum be publishing?
Main focus is producing guidance notes for those considering implementing a Lane rental scheme, to help avoid potential pitfalls and maximise the benefits.
The focus is on creating consistency of approach for schemes.
Guidance is looking to be published by the end of 2021
- Q16 TFL Lane Rental - Where can I find the approved funding catalogue?
What is the main focus of the Inspection Codes of Practice review?
The review is focusing on simplifying the processes to mitigate the considerable administrative burden with inspections.
The group is looking to release a new draft code for inspections in early 2022
When is the legislative changes from the recent Permit and Coordination consultation going to be implemented?
Changes to the legislation will be implemented from April 2023 and further guidance is due March 2023.
Where does the SROR working group cover
The SROR working group covers the Specification for Scotland Only and is working on creating a Fourth version of the SROR for Scotland
Where does this group cover
The SROH working group is specifically looking at the SROH for England. and is focused on working with the fourth edition.
Wales and Northern Ireland use earlier edition of the codes.
Scotland have a separate HAUC Working Group looking at the SROR for Scotland
Why is the group on hold?
The working group is currently on hold whilst the NUAR system is being developed. we believe a lot of what NUAR is trying to achieve will deal with our interests in keeping good quality asset records.
Why is it called the Red Book?
Very simply because when it was first published the cover was Red.
It is one of the most used documents in the Street Works industry and very quickly became identifiable by is bold Red cover.
Is there a digital copy I can use?
The HAUC App is a digital copy of the Red Book along with other things. It is a very useful app to have on your phone. However you must still carry a physical copy on site in case you don't have access to the the internet
Where does the Safety at Street Works and Road Works A Code of Practice apply to?
The Red Book as it is known, is applicable to the whole of the UK
Coring of Fillets [Areas of reinstatement in close proximity to Apparatus. Openreach have been presented with invoices for cores taken close to surface apparatus such that it would be impossible to take a fillet in accordance with current SRoH requirements, given the flanges which surround said apparatus. We would like a definitive statement in the SRoH which defined what (if any) tests are appropriate in such circumstances.
In respect of cores taken for the purposes of testing Air Voids content, Section S10.2.3(4) is clear that no 100Ømm core shall be taken within 100mm of Apparatus. Section NG10.2.3(5) supports this clearance dimension on the grounds of risk of damage to the Apparatus.
The principle above would extend to smaller diameter cores, possibly used for Depth tests, and any other intrusive test in this 100mm zone, although the SROH Working Party (the “SROHWP”) accepts this is not stated at Section S10.2.3.
As a result, intrusive testing is not possible within 100mm of Apparatus, and as such, the reinstatement should be monitored on the basis of Section S2 Performance Requirements.
HAUC (UK) SROH Working Party response dated 31st May 2016
Compaction Adjacent to Structures [particularly poles]. There are circumstances where Openreach carry out small excavations (e.g. pole testing). A number of HAs have demanded that the dimensions of such excavations should be expanded such that mechanical compaction equipment can fit into the space available. Whilst recognising that all excavations need to be compacted correctly, Openreach would argue that hand compaction is acceptable. We would request a statement in the SRoH covering these circumstances
The current SROH 3rd Edition provides that hand rammers are suitable for compaction in restricted areas. However, in order to assess whether Pole Testing may be reasonably considered to be a restricted areas activity, the SROH WP requests additional evidence of the exact process deemed to be Pole Testing, together with a range of sample photographs.
Notwithstanding this, the SROH WP is presently considering whether a minimum width of reinstatement should be stated in the proposed SROH 4th Edition. The SROH WP has called for evidence to demonstrate that this is a sufficiently widespread area of concern, ahead of advancing its deliberations on this matter.
HAUC (UK) SROH Working Party response dated 31st May 2016