The HAUC App serves as a standardised tool, providing guidance and promoting safer interactions between road users and construction sites. The app's accessibility has been integrated into training programs by industry
champions such as Cadent Gas, becoming a vital resource for enhancing
health and safety practices within the industry.
Gary Hawkins, Head of Streetworks and Reinstatement for the London Network at Cadent Gas, recognised the HAUC App's potential in raising awareness about safety and compliance. He is spearheading an initiative to install the HAUC App on all devices within Cadent Gas, making it a minimum standard for all staff and bringing real benefits to customers. Gary explained:
“The team on site in Hounslow had a customer who was blind. He had a daily routine of getting up at 5 a.m. and leaving his house to go up to the shop whilst it was quiet and less busy on the roads and pavements. The team excavated around the side of his house which interrupted his usual route. They found him one morning walking in the middle of the road struggling to get up to the shop. They guided him back to the path and helped him to and from his destination.