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Q & A from Convention 2024 People, Priorities and Performance

Questions regarding Performance
  • Q1 - Street manager automation to support PBI - how much further can it go? Are we 30/70% along way in your opinion?
  • A - I believe that SM is probably around 60% automated, there are still a few more things that need to be implemented before it will be as automated as it could be. There will always be the need for manual intervention due to new promoters entering the fray.
  • Q2 - Do we think the Cat B & C unable to complete, was due to the duplicates inspections coming out which may have already been inspected?? Could that help explain that percentage increase ?
  • A - Whilst there were samples being generated on works which were already in the defect cycle this would not explain the scale of the increase of the UTC rates.
  • Q3- Is the drop in quality of Cat Cs due to work being done during lockdown periods and less rigorous scrutiny by Inspectors during that period 2020-2022 to some extent?
  • A - That is an interesting point that could certainly be an element of the underlying cause.
  • Q4- PBIs a drop of 15% to 12% doesn't seem like that a big change, is it significant?
  • A - It might seem an insignificant change, but any improvement to efficiency is significant to the organisation who is funding the function.
  • Q5 - When do you think we'll see the operational guidelines?
  • A - Operational Guidelines (Inspections) are currently at the draft stage. We are currently working with Street Manager to finalise the PBI functionality, which we hope to conclude in Q3.
  • Q6 - Some HAs asked to be part of the sample but we were not on the SM drop down so we could only Routine inspect our works. 2024/2025 has now got some or all LHAs on the drop down to set a sample on the WFRP permit works.
  • A - This was not a restriction in Street Manager, it was a restriction that third party software providers have placed in their products. If any HA is still not able to sample their own works then the provider (Symology, confirm etc) should be contacted.
  • Q7 - Could the reduction in drop rate of cat A inspections be down to the 2hour stop/start requirement? This must give an authority more specific info as to when activity is underway.
  • A - This might explain part of the decrease certainly. Only HA's know how their inspectors are getting on with cat As and managing to get on site at the same time as the promoter.
  • Q8- Where sample numbers are down have you seen routine inspections increase? Would you consider including routine inspection figures alongside sample figures on an annual review for next year?
  • A - The presentation has been re-released including q4 data and including the numbers of routine numbers completed.
  • Q9 - Is there likely to be a review of the failures identified on PBI's to determine the consistency of the checks being made across different Authorities and inspectors? This could possibly link in to the work on training and accreditations as something being failed in one area but passed in another is not constructive when driving improvements across contract partners and internal workforce.
  • A - Yes. Inspection consistency and understanding will be supported by the Operational Guidance and further IWG support where required. An index inclusion outlining the criteria for inspection against the Codes of Practice will clarify the measures.
  • Q10 - To the Scottish Road Works Commissioner - there will be many sites to visit across the nation. Are there plans to increase resourcing at SRWC office ?
  • A - Commissioner Observations of non-compliance will be logged in the Scottish Road Works Register which is a fairly simple process. There are no current plans to increase resource within the SRWC office beyond the existing establishment.
  • Q11 - When will the non-compliance functionality in Street Manager be ready?
  • A - The functionality will be released in V5 API due at the end of July 2024 - the use of the functionality by organisations will be different dependent on their API provider. All users must be using the latest version of the API usually within approximately 6 months after its baseline ( in this case July 24)
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